Learning Objectives

These are the learning objectives for my Game Workshops. Hopefully this will help when creating your own lesson plans.

Objective 1: 

1. Students will build time management skills. 


1.a. Students will budget the time needed for each phase of their project and adjust their work pace in order to make time for all phases of the project. 

1.b. Students will work with their partner to divide up the workload, maximizing what they can get done in the time given.

1.c. Students will ask for help when they are stuck, in order to keep their project developing on time. 

1.d Students will demonstrate grasp of the medium – working with time constraints for project duration while effectively conveying their story through good pacing and timing.

Objective 2: 

Students will learn how to use a defined aesthetic in one cohesive project. 


2.a Students will use a computer-based tool to create their game.

2.b Students will dialog to deepen and add dimensionality to their story.

2.c. Students will explore a range of characters and room designs in creating their game

2.d. Students will convey expression and emotion by use of dialog, pacing, settings and characters.. 

Objective 3

Students will gain in-depth skills in the art of storytelling through visual media


3.a. Students will come up with a short, unique narrative for their game. 

3.b. Students will incorporate key elements such as character, movement, pacing in their narrative.

3.c. Students will make thoughtful stylistic and media choices in order to enhance the telling of their story, in order to achieve a stylistic cohesion.

3.d. Students will provide not just a nicely crafted game, but also evidence of their design thinking process

Objective 4. 

Students will learn project management, collaboration and planning skills


4.a  Students will be able to visually explain a media project through various forms of ideation, adding and adjusting in order to best communicate about, organize and plan for their game. 

4.b. Students will demonstrate the ability to work with a creative partner in developing their game.

4.c. Students will identify individual strengths in themselves and their partner, and negotiate who will lead in various stages of the project’s development

4.d. Students will demonstrate that all required phases of the project are completed and synthesized into their final game.

Objective 5. 

Students will develop resilience as designers


5.a Students will identify problems as they arise, and will demonstrate the ability to articulate questions about technical problems

5.b Students will be able to apply both planning and improvisation to complete a project.

5.c. Students will see their project through to the end, working within time and material constraints.

5.d. Students will be receptive to critical feedback and show that they are willing to learn from any shortcomings in their final project, or opportunities for improvement.

Objective 6.

Students will learn essential skills for design process.


6a.. Students will utilize iterative work flows and assessment as part of making. This will balance design goals with the ability to generate multiple ways to resolve questions posed by the project and pick the best one.

6b. Students will learn to work with constraints as a positive way to enframe the project.